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Hang On, I’m Thinking!

 It’s a new year and traditionally that means Quiet Time for me; it’s never a particularly busy time for concerts and prospective clients tend to be slowly getting back to it after the Christmas break and dealing with their heaving inboxes. For me, it’s a chance to take stock of existing projects that are in development but need a fresh push and - more excitingly - come up with new ideas. For that, I need time and space. And once the twins are back at pre-school, that’s what I get. It might look as though I’m lounging on the sofa drinking tea but I’m actually in the middle of a decades-honed technique of Thinking that yields - hopefully - interesting projects ahead.  It wasn’t always this way in January. When I was a filmmaker, creating video content for orchestras, publishers, musicians and all sorts of others - when that kind of thing was pretty new - one of my big clients was the London Symphony Orchestra and for many years I was a major part of their season marketing campaigns. I

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